
Showing posts from August, 2024


  "Where is my grandchild?" Mrs Camila asked interrupting their conversation about the new idea. "Your grandchild is coming to meet you soon, so just....relax," Mylar replied to her question with a smile. "Are you sure?" Mrs Camila asked, her face reflecting a bit of sadness. "I am so sure. You know I never lie to you right." Mylar asked her. "Yes. Then I will go to my room and wait for my grandchild." Mrs Camila said and got up on her feet. She ran upstairs. "I still can't believe how much you can handle my mom," Elio said to Mylar with admiration for her. "Even I sometimes wonder how she can be such a superwoman." Someone said from behind them. It was Camilo, he came back from his run a while ago and came in through the back. He went and freshened up and that was when he decided to come downstairs. "You are back early," Mylar said to him. "Camilo keeps surprising me every day. I think he is getti


  Mylar crouched down in pain. After she heard some familiar voices coming out from Mr Julian's room, she wondered who could be in his room at such late hours of the night. "Could it be my mom Camila, but why would they be whispering? I should check who it is." She said to herself. As she was tiptoeing towards the room, a sharp pain hit her in her stomach. Her baby was at it again, she cried out in pain and held onto the stomach as if that would make it stop. Mylar!!! Someone called making the man stop in his tracks. "Mylar and Camilo at my door this late, what could they possibly want?" The man asked himself, he stood by the door waiting for them to leave. "What's wrong?" Camilo asked as he knelt to check her. And as he touched her stomach, suddenly the pain went away as fast as it came. "I wanted some water and I was going to the kitchen to get it when I suddenly felt this pain in my tummy," Mylar explained to him holdin


  "Thanks, Elio," Mylar said showing her appreciation in her voice. "No, you don't have to. Now that I think of it, it's a really good experience for me as the father of the child." Camilo cut in and everyone looked at him surprised even Miss Emelda who came out to serve him his grape juice. Then he turned towards Elio and said. "Elio can wait until he's also expecting his child." "What the heck is his problem this time around? He's always unpredictable" Mylar wondered and Elio simply smiled at his brother's words. Mr. Julian smiled and commended Camilo, then he quickly went upstairs to check the envelope. Mylar went back to her seat looking at Camilo strangely, she wondered how someone would be so hard to read. One time is yes and another is no. "He's never stable." "Do you want some grape juice?" Camilo asked when he saw how she was staring at him. "Aww. Camilo is living up to his word. I think h


  "Can I take the mail inside, instead of you putting it in the mailbox?" Mylar asked the man and he agreed to give it to her. "Please sign here ma'am." He said as he opened some kind of file before her, she collected the pen and signed on the part he showed her. "Thank you." He said, got on his bike and drove away. "What could this be?" She asked herself as she looked at the brown envelope, a name J and J was written boldly on it. Out of curiosity, she opened the envelope. On the first paper at the top was written Property papers. "Property papers." Mylar read aloud and decided to bring out the papers completely to see what was written on them. As she was pulling it out, she heard someone call her name. She got startled and quickly pushed the papers back into it. Mylar! Vida called again as she approached her, Mylar opened her arms for a hug and they embraced each other. "What's wrong with you?" Mylar asked after seei


  "Nice to meet you, Vida," Trina said and stretched her hand for a handshake, she was feeling a little bit intimidated by Vida now after how Elio introduced Vida with the same smile he always had on whenever he introduced her back then. She indeed had to be intimidated, because even when it came to beauty, Vida was far more beautiful than she, and Vida's blue gown blended perfectly with her shiny brown skin, she looked remarkably dashing tonight. "Nice to meet you too," Vida replied with a smile after the handshake. They started talking about Elio's company and the tension between them elapsed. "Sir, there's a call for you." A young staff of the Wylder Mansion came to inform Mr. Julian as he stood talking to some of his guests. "I will be right back." He informed the guests and went along with the staff, Mrs. Isabella watched slyly as Mr. Julian went away. "I am sure that he wasn't able to do a proper job." Mrs. Isabell


  "Aww!!! She's so cute when she's upset." Vida said and grabbed Mylar's cheek laughing, Mylar stopped frowning and smiled. Elio watched as they played together with a bit of sadness, he wished his family were like this, then his life would have been so perfect. "Then our lives would have been beautiful." Elio thought to himself. They spent half of the day with Vida, and they even went out to have fun but all bills on Elio. "I don't mind spending everything I have on you two," Elio said when Mylar told him this. The workers at home were busy preparing for the wedding. It wasn't going to be anything grand but it had to be beautiful. White lilies decked the entire house and its amazing fragrance was just wonderful, the lighting made it a magical place. Camilo sat in his office turning around on his chair, he just couldn't figure out why he was so jealous and why he said that to his brother. "Could that Mylar have managed to bewit


  She went to Mylar and stood by her side. Mrs Isabella moved closer to touch her but she ran behind Mylar and hid there. Mrs. Isabella looked shocked and was immediately filled with dismay, she quietly whispered to Mr. Julian and took him along with her leaving the others in the sitting room. "She is not getting any better." Mrs. Isabella said with a quell of grief in her heart. Mr. Julian looked sad too and said almost quietly. "I have tried all I can, I took her to several hospitals and but there have been no changes. She's still a shadow of herself, always frightened. But recently because of this Mylar, she started talking normally and it made me begin to hope and think that she will get better but other times, that's not the case, she goes back.... back to being the way she was." Mrs. Isabella wiped off the tears on her face with her handkerchief. She straightened up again and went back to being tough and elegant, then she changed the topic by asking hi


  When Mrs. Camila woke up in the morning, she saw everyone going in and out decorating the house and she also saw her husband and everyone else come out later on dressed nicely, so she also wanted to dress like them. She got up and pick a very short gown, it was from her high school days, it was her dress from prom and she tried to force herself into it. That was when Aurora was passing by and she heard someone sobbing, she went to check who it was and found Mrs. Camila in distress, her head was stuck in the dress that she was trying to wear. "Oh Mrs Camila, what have you done." She said and went to help her out, after several minutes of struggling with the dress, Aurora managed to pull it off her head but after taking it off, Mrs. Camila insisted on trying on the same dress again and Aurora refused, Mrs. Camila took the dress and ran outside, Aurora ran after her and collected the dress by force, that was why they were arguing and dragging the dress. Camila!!! Mr Julian cal


  The next day, his eyes were covered in dark cycles and a bit red. He didn't sleep a wink throughout the night, so he was tired and dragging his legs while walking, he could barely keep his eyes open. When he got up from bed before leaving the room, he found Mylar sleeping calmly at the other end of the bed. "She is still enjoying her sleep while I had to suffer all through the night." He murmured angrily at himself that moment.  As he walked through the house looking for Miss Emelda, he almost fell severally. He wanted to get some painkillers and pills from her, for his headache and his body was also aching after he tried sleeping on the sofa. "God! You look terrible Camilo." Miss Emelda exclaimed when she saw him. The helps in the kitchen giggled secretly when they saw him, he looked really funny, his hair all messed up. "What are you laughing at?" Camilo yelled at them angrily when he saw them giggling.  "Let them be, they are laughing at the


  Mylar went in search of Miss Emelda and later found her in the kitchen. "The cucumber is too big, cut them small." She yelled at one of the help who tied her thick black hair in ponytails with pink ribbons on each side, making the young lady panic, Mylar whispered to herself. "She keeps acting like she's the boss of this house, whereas she's just a help like the others in this kitchen."  Miss Emelda!!! Mylar shouted out with a smile. "I am still very much alive, you don't have to shout like that. What do you want?" She asked Mylar with the meanest expression on her face. "She thinks she is young, this wrinkled old woman can't be sweet to anyone, ever." Mylar thought to herself as she came before her. "I would like the key to the guest room upstairs, please," Mylar said politely but Miss Emelda declined. "You can't have it." She said bluntly. "Why is that? Please give it to me, I want to go to that ro