The next day, his eyes were covered in dark cycles and a bit red. He didn't sleep a wink throughout the night, so he was tired and dragging his legs while walking, he could barely keep his eyes open. When he got up from bed before leaving the room, he found Mylar sleeping calmly at the other end of the bed.

"She is still enjoying her sleep while I had to suffer all through the night." He murmured angrily at himself that moment. 

As he walked through the house looking for Miss Emelda, he almost fell severally. He wanted to get some painkillers and pills from her, for his headache and his body was also aching after he tried sleeping on the sofa.

"God! You look terrible Camilo." Miss Emelda exclaimed when she saw him. The helps in the kitchen giggled secretly when they saw him, he looked really funny, his hair all messed up.

"What are you laughing at?" Camilo yelled at them angrily when he saw them giggling. 

"Let them be, they are laughing at the son of their employer, I will make sure to report them to Mr. Julian." Miss Emelda said to Camilo, the ladies apologized for their misbehavior and went out of the kitchen.

"Come with me, let's get you painkillers and something for your headache." Miss Emelda said to him.

"Thanks, Miss Emelda, my head feels like it's going to bust and it's all that Mylar's fault," Camilo said holding his head, Miss Emelda went out of the kitchen and he followed her. 

On their way, they saw Elio coming downstairs in a blue open-neck shirt and also blue pants.

"You are still here, I thought you would have gone back to your house." Elio stopped in his tracks when he heard what Camilo said.

"Oh, I forgot that you are the only child of Mr Julian and I am just an outsider or a poor orphan," Elio replied with a mocking smile. Camilo didn't know what to say to him and so he went away angrily and Miss Emelda followed him.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! 

The barking of a dog woke Mylar up, she yawned and wipe off the eye boogers from her eyes with her hand. She got down from the bed and smiled when she saw Hugo.

"Aww, you came to wake me up. Such a good dog." She said lovingly to the animal. 

The dog barked in reply to what she said, she petted him on his back and took one of the biscuits she found in a bowl on the table, she gave the dog the biscuits and went into the bathroom.

"I will rise, rise higher than the skies." Mylar sang as she took her bath, she took a towel and wrapped it around her chest. 

Bang!!! Mylar heard a sound and turned around quickly, it was Camilo. 

After taking the pills, he decided to take a relaxing shower he also thought that no one would be in the bathroom and walked in with his bare naked body except for the tight shorts he still had on, he wanted to pull off the shorts when he saw Mylar and wanted to run out of the bathroom because he was startled but he fell after his toe was hit by the bathroom's door.

Shit!!! He yelled in pain, he crouched down holding the toe which was already bleeding. Mylar ran towards him when she saw what happened, she bent down and checked his toe even though he kept pushing her hand off.

"I will get the first aid box." She said and ran into the bedroom to get the first aid box that was on the wardrobe and ran back into the bathroom. She sat down on the floor, she didn't feel comfortable bending because of her stomach.

"Leave it," Camilo yelled at her when she tried to touch his leg.

"So you are going to continue bleeding because of your stubbornness?" Mylar asked annoyed, she was trying to help him and he was being rude to her. When she saw that he didn't say anything, she dragged his leg towards her, he shouted in pain but she didn't even look at him, she started using the cotton wool to clean off the blood, she applied a mild antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide) on the wound making him yelled even more because of the pain. She bandaged the toe and went away taking the box with her. He sat down watching her as she went away.

She went and took out the only gown that still fits her and wore it. Then she went downstairs, the house was looking rather beautiful today, the flowers she saw the day she came had also been changed.

"Good morning," Mylar said greeting Elio who was busy doing something on his laptop. He looked up and a bright cute smile came onto his face making his tiny dimple come out. He greeted back and asked.

"How was your first night?" 

"Fine except your brother was a pain in the neck," Mylar replied with a smile.

"Camilo isn't a pain in the neck, you must have been the one who bothered him because he needed painkillers this morning after spending a single night with you." Miss Emelda said as she came carrying Elio's cup of coffee along with cookies in a tray. Seeing the cookies, Mylar couldn't reply to Miss Emelda, she began craving cookies but she didn't want to seem awkward if she asked for Elio's cookies. Luckily for her, Elio noticed how she looked at the cookies and smiled, he has read a bit about pregnant women and so he was certain that she was craving the cookies, so he said to Miss Emelda.

"Miss Emelda, please give the tray to Mylar, the coffee and Cookies are for her." Mylar's face lightened up when she heard this but Miss Emelda was quite upset, she murmured angrily to herself.

"So I made coffee and Cookies for her, a lady who is having a child out of wedlock." 

"Thanks, Elio." Mylar thanked him with a smile.

Camilo came downstairs walking awkwardly. They all turned towards him.

"Camilo, what happened to you?" Miss Emelda asked when she saw him like that, he looked at Mylar slightly who had gone back to eating her cookies and sipping coffee along with it, and then replied Miss Emelda.

"I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and so I bumped my leg on the door." 

"But this doesn't look like that kind of bumped." Miss Emelda said as she knelt to take a proper look at his wound, she turned to Mylar and shakes her head.

Emelda!!! Mr Julian called and he came downstairs in a blue suit with it pants, which was also blue. She got up and answered his call.

"Are you done with the preparations?" He asked.

"Yes sir, everything is done as you ordered." Miss Emelda replied with a smile, Mylar looked at the way she smiled and scoff.

"Even a witch can smile." She whispered but Elio heard, he simply chuckled at what she said. Mr. Julian looked at his sons and said happily.

"Wow, our clothes have matching colors."

"Camilo! What happened to your toe?" Mr Julian asked and Camilo explained.

"Is that why you are being a wimp, a little girl bothering everyone with such a little thing?" Mr Julian said mocking him. Camilo looked away, his eyes all teary as if he wanted to cry. Mr. Julian saw this and shook his head in disbelief.

"You are man, handle such a little pain. That's why your brother is more of a man than you." Elio turned towards his dad when his name was mentioned, he didn't like it when his dad makes him butt heads with Camilo.

Camilo felt embarrassed being compared to his brother, he couldn't understand why his dad always does that. Perhaps he loves Elio more than him.

"I have sent the driver to pick up your grandmother, she will be here anytime from now." Mr. Julian informed his sons. 

"I want to dress up like everyone else." Mrs. Camila yelled as she continued to argue with one of the female staff, a young Italian lady who was hired a few months ago, her name is Aurora. They all looked up, she and Aurora were outside the room dragging a dress and arguing.


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