"Hey, what are you looking at?" Vida asked when she saw Mylar looking in another direction.

"I am looking at Elio," Mylar replied. Vida asked surprised.

"Why? Is this the first time you are seeing him?" Mylar turned back to Vida and replied.

"No, but I have a feeling that I have seen Elio somewhere before."

"Of course you have. He's your brother-in-law." Vida said to her and giggled.

"That's not what I mean. I think I know him from somewhere else other than the first time I met him at the Mansion." Mylar tried to explain.

"Girl, forget about that. It's impossible, let's just talk about something else." Vida said and then she remembered something she wanted to tell Mylar.

"I saw Ozzy. OMG, you needed to see him, he looked so raged and wretched. He must have suffered a lot after losing everything."

"He deserves it all," Mylar said and Vida smiled.

"People are saying that this mafia running the club is not bad with his workers, unlike Ozzy. Flora went back there and begged to work for him." Vida said.

"Did he agree to let her work for him?" Mylar asked her eyes and ears attentive.

"Yes. I heard that they are dating now which is very strange." Vida said and Mylar blinked in disbelief.

"Flora, poor girl. She doesn't have a choice, her entire family depends on her." Mylar said feeling sad for the girl. They both went silent for a while before Mylar broke the silence.

"My father-in-law, Mr Julian, and that witch, Miss Emelda are having an affair."

Jesus Christ!!! Vida shouted, even the workers around them were startled by her shout. She quickly covered her mouth and listened as Mylar told her everything.

"Your father-in-law is cruel. That good woman doesn't deserve that, I have seen her before and I know for certain that she's a good woman." Vida said upset and Mylar agreed with her.

"You are right."

"Even if he wanted to cheat, he shouldn't have done it with that wicked witch," Vida said and Mylar chuckled.

"You know what I want to do now?" Mylar said and Vida asked.


"At the party, Elio is organizing, I want to give everyone a surprise gift." Vida watched Mylar and wondered what a surprise gift that would be.

The next morning, Mylar made sure to prepare a cup of hot chocolate milk tea and at exactly ten o'clock, she took the tray on which she placed the tea and medicines to Mrs Camila's room.

Mom Camila!!! She called sweetly. Mrs Camila was sitting on the bed with her body facing the other side. Mylar set down the tray and went to where she was. She placed her head on Mrs Camila's shoulder.

"I brought something, won't you even see it?" Mylar asked with a calm tone. Mrs Camila replied and smiled while nodding.

"Yes, I want to see whatever you brought for me."

Mylar smiled back at her and held both her hands as they went and sat on the couch facing the table where she placed the tray. She took out some of the pills and put them in Mrs Camila's hand, she picked up the mug and gave it to Mrs Camila who drank some of the contents.

When Mrs Camila was about to pour the pills into her mouth, she stopped and threw the pills away.

"What was that for?" Mylar asked.

"They make me sleepy and sad." Mrs Camila replied sadly.

What!! Mylar exclaimed.

"They make her sleepy?" Mylar asked herself then suddenly thought about something.

"Why would Mr Julian allow his mistress to take care of his wife? Miss Emelda might try to harm Mrs Camila to get rid of her."

"Yes, I should have suspected this earlier," Mylar said aloud. She crept down and picked up the pills then carried the tray and left Mrs Camila's room.

Just as she was going to her room, she saw Camilo.

Camilo!!! She called and he turned around.

"What is it Mylar?" Camilo asked as she came close.

"Could you drop me off at the hospital?" Mylar asked and he suddenly panicked.

"What's wrong? What happened to you?" He asked checking her body.

"I am fine. I just need to see my doctor for something important."

Mylar was planning on giving the pills to the Wylder's family doctor to check it and tell her what kind of medicine it was.

"Oh okay," Camilo said and they went out of the house and into his car which Mylar never rode in before.

Vida!!! Trina called loudly and in a very rude way. Even though Vida was just a few steps away from her, she yelled that loudly. Vida turned around, she wondered why Trina had to shout just to call her.

"Yes," Vida answered after she decided to keep her cool for Elio's sake.

"I have been calling you for a while now, why didn't you answer me? Or is it that you are deaf." Trina said in anger.

What!!! Vida exclaimed shocked by how Trina was speaking to her.

"Are you upset because I didn't answer you quickly or is there something else to this?" Vida asked her holding back the dirty words she wanted to say to Trina.

Trina looked at Vida for a while, she didn't know what to say because Vida hadn't done anything wrong to her and the questioning eyes of the other staff were on her so she decided to say something else that would justify herself before them.

"Let's leave that. I wanted to ask what you are doing."

"What do you mean?" Vida asked feeling confused. The way Trina acted was rather shocking and confusing, what could have made her that angry?

"Why haven't you started getting ready for your modeling shoot?" Trina asked saying her words calmly now.

"I was told that the people assigned for the shoot are not here yet," Vida replied and Trina just nodded. She quickly went back to her office.

"Are you sure that I shouldn't go in with you?" Camilo asked Mylar and she replied.

"Yes. You can just leave and I will find my way home." She got out of the car and went into the hospital while Camilo watched her.

"How can I possibly allow you to find your way home in that condition," Camilo said to himself and then he switched off the car and laid back on the seat.

"I am going to wait until you come back." He said and he turned on the music player in his car.

Mylar went to the doctor's office and knocked gently on his door.

"Come in." She heard the doctor say from inside. She turned the knob and open the door wide enough to allow herself inside.

The doctor sat on his chair going through some reports as she walked in. He was a man in his forties and had a few grey hairs which he always tried to hide by dyeing his hair regularly.

Over the years he has managed to achieve a lot with being a doctor and an advisor to the president of the United States a few years back before building his hospital.

The way he speaks and acts showed that he was a man of great wisdom and because of his wisdom, Mylar was certain that he would be the right person to check the pills for her.

When he looked up, he saw Mylar and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

Mrs Wylder!!! He called lovingly.

"Good morning doc." She greeted him with a smile and he replied to her.

"I hope you are all right. What could have brought you to my office today?" He asked Mylar as she sat down on the chair facing him. Then she replied.

"I am fine doc, I just need you to help me out with something."

"And what would that be?" He asked.

He took off his reading glasses and placed them on the table.

"I need you to check what kind of medicine this is." She said and handed him the tiny pills in a small plastic bag.


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