After he finished running around for the preparation of the party they were having the next day, Elio went back to the office.

The shooting area was quite choked up as the staff gathered around to watch the new model pose. She was quite an amateur at it, she couldn't get the pose right and to make matters worse, Trina set her mind on making Vida fail and look like an idiot before everyone.

Vida kept trying her best but the eyes of so many people staring at her in the lingerie she was wearing were making her nervous and uncomfortable. And Trina kept yelling and telling her how badly she did.

"Why are there so many people here?" Elio asked as he pushed his way through the people at the door.

Hearing his voice made Vida turn around and when she saw him, she smiled, she finally felt a bit of relief. Now, there will be no more opportunities for Trina to make her feel nervous anymore.

"I am asking a question," Elio said raising his voice a little. Trina bowed her head silently hoping that she wouldn't be before Elio.

"I don't know. I asked Trina to send them out but she wouldn't." Said the beautiful black-skinned goddess photographer to Elio. She was a beauty, her big eyes were so pretty and well-shaped.

"That's not true, I tried sending them out but they refused to leave," Trina said quickly to defend herself. She didn't want Elio to ever see her like a bad person.

"Everyone leave the shooting area right now and get back to work," Elio said to them and when he noticed them mumbling among themselves, he asked.

"We have a party to organize or are you not worried about that?" They all turned around slowly and returned to their various post.

"That's better." The photographer said.

"Are you feeling comfortable now?" The photographer asked Vida but Elio replied to her with a smile.

"I'm sure she is P., let's start now."

Vida was already feeling relaxed with Elio standing right there where her eyes could see his beautiful smile.

Seeing how Vida's focus was on Elio, Trina clenched her fist and bit her lips in anger. She turned towards Elio and asked.

"Elio, can I talk to you outside?"

Elio wasn't sure why she would want to talk to him right now but he wasn't ready to talk about anything for now.

"No, let's talk later. I want to present throughout the shoot." She felt rejected and grunted angrily to herself.

The shoot continued, Vida tried several poses but they weren't perfect enough in P's eyes and this made Trina happy.

Elio got up from where he sat and went to Vida, he placed his hands on her shoulders and said to her.

"You need to free yourself. Release your body and move around the way you want, I am sure you will get it right soon."

"Wow, look at how Mr Elio and the female model looked so good together under the light." Said the light man and the others agreed with him.

P looked at both Elio and Vida, she suddenly saw how perfect they looked together.

Elio was a little taller than Vida but their body corresponded. His masculine body covered her own slender body and the way he stood before her had a romantic vibe.

Elio wanted to go back to his seat when P stopped him.

"Elio, please take a few shots with Vida, and let's see what it brings out." Elio watched her for a while in silence and then smiled.

"You know I can't do modeling." He said to her.

"But you were once a model." P insisted.

"That was back in school and I was only being childish back then." Elio protested.

Trina could feel her blood boiling as she watched Vida's happy face.

"I should be the one right next to you not that tramp." Trina thought to herself angrily and squeezed her hand tightly.

P tried her best to persuade him and in the end, he had to agree. P wasn't the easy type and you also can't say no to those charming eyes of hers.

"I will check it now and give you a call once the results are out." The doctor said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir," Mylar said and got up to leave but stopped at the door.

"One more favor sir." She said after she turned around.

"I want you to keep this between us. Once the result is out, call only me and no one else." She said to him.

"That's not a problem. I will be discreet about it." He said to her. She thanked him and left his office.

The camera clicks as P took several photos of them in different poses but she still couldn't find the perfect one.

"Elio, you shouldn't be wearing your clothes when the female model is wearing lingerie." P said after she thought about it for a while.

"You want me to pull off my clothes? I don't want to." Elio shouted like a baby and Vida giggled at this.

"What?" Elio asked and she replied.

"You just sounded like a little kid. There's nothing wrong with taking off your clothes and I am sure you have a great body." Elio secretly blushed at her indirect compliment.

"That's true Vida. He has a great body, that's why I can't forget what I saw years back when Elio stripped himself naked before those girls." P said and started laughing, Vida also joined her.

"Stripped himself naked," Vida said while laughing.

"Why are you telling her that?" Elio asked upset.

"I just told her the truth." P said and winked at him.

Trina couldn't contain her anger anymore so she quickly went out to avoid bursting out.

"Now please, take off that cloth." P said to him. Elio pulled off his shirt and Vida gasped, his biceps were so mind-blowing.

"Well-built chest, six packs, and what else? Why are you so great and captivating Elio." Vida thought to herself in panic.

"Stop staring at me like that," Elio shouted at Vida when he saw her staring at him.

"Why should she, you are so perfect. Even I can't take my eyes off." P said with a smile.

"Liar," Elio said and threw his shirt at her.

"Umm. I will keep this." P said as she picked up the shirt from the floor and Elio smiled.

"She's crazy." He thought to himself.

Elio's hand moving around Vida was driving her crazy. A rush of sensations was running through her body.

Each pose required contact and she wished she could make him stop touching her bare body.

"Vida, place your right hand on his chest and the other on his back in a sexy way. Elio, you hold her waist with your left hand and bring your face close to hers." P instructed she was a great photographer who had this ambition right from the day she took a picture of her dad with his mistress on her phone. This picture broke her family but it also freed her mom from her already broken marriage.

Elio saw that Vida was acting strange and thought to himself.

"Or do I look intimidating before her? She doesn't even want to look at my face."

"Are you okay?" He asked as he brought his face close to hers as instructed by P. She felt his breath on her skin as he spoke and she quickly moved away. But unfortunately for her, her leg twisted and she almost fell.

Elio grabbed her waist before she fell completely and in an attempt to balance himself, his lips landed tightly on hers. Vida's eyes were closed but she felt it, his pointed noise on her small short nose.

P's camera clicked the picture as she gasped at what she saw. Everyone else gasped including Trina who came back a while ago.


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