Get sourcing for your startup without spending a DIME

In this part of the world, there are many youths who have brilliant and exceptional ideas to make impact and income in their lifetime, ideas that look and sound so good you could start telling in a minute how the idea will pan out in few years to come. But rather unfortunately, this ideas never fly because of a simple yet complex problem known as “lack of capital”😪. The no capital demon is always staring and smiling while all those beautiful ideas are being drafted. But fear not!! That demon is about to be defeated!! But ONLY if you can take action.

The first thing I'd like you to understand about the word capital is that
it doesn't necessarily always mean MONEY!. I know it has always been said that money is used to find more money... but that notion is not entirely true because it is actually IDEAS that are used to multiply the initial money (capital) that you have and even that initial money (capital) that you are multiplying; an IDEA is needed to raise it in the first place.

Here are some unconventional ways that have been proven to help raise the capital for that Billion-dollar idea that you have in your mind:
Before I proceed, I don't know your definition of capital but I want you to start exchanging the word CAPITAL for the word LEVERAGE!. In other words, rather than ask how can I raise capital to start my business? ask 'What can I leverage on to start my business?'. That approach and outlook will always get you a more positive and actionable answer

The following are ways by which you can get Leverage to start your business!
PS: They do not necessarily need to look out of this world or make sense, what you should know is that they Work...they work well if you take Action!

I know it doesn't sound new but I must tell you it is gold!
The capital that you're looking for is probably with you but unfortunately it is standing in the mould of those unnecessary things you've purchased that you truly didn't need but you still went ahead and bought. Rather than spend frivolously on what you don't need, why not save that money and channel it into starting your business?
It only takes discipline! But it definitely pays.


Yes, that sounds unconventional and unpopular but remember it's a Leverage were talking about here! We have been sold a lie all along that entrepreneurship is good and working in a job is synonymous to slavery. But I can tell you that working actually prepares you for that business you are trying to start by providing you with EXPERIENCE.
If the money you need to start your business isn't forthcoming, it isn't a bad idea to get a job. I hear you say there are no jobs? But that is quite wrong because there are actually jobs but you just don’t have the required skills for them. So the idea is to learn a skill, get a job, get the job done, get paid, get the hell out (pardon me) and GET YOUR BUSINESS STARTED!
It only takes Focus. Focus on your goal and dream, not your present reality!
While working your job, do well to pick valuable lessons to serve you when you finally start a business.


OK, I don't mean the sugar daddy you're thinking 😂
May I announce to you that, there are hundreds of people out there who have money but don't have ideas and are actively looking for a business idea to splash that money into; these people are what I refer to as business sugar daddies, you need to find them, flaunt them your selling point, court them and make them lavish their cash on your business. But the main issue there is to know how to communicate the value your business is offering and how it benefits your 'sugar daddy' and capital will be in your hands in no time!


What does that mean?
Someone once told me she wanted to start a bedsheet business and she knew someone that she could buy from to resell but she didn't have money to start.  I simply told her to talk to the person and ask to collect the bedsheet to resell and remit payment at an agreed period of time.
It sounded crazy but she obliged and went on with the meeting.
Did it work?
HELL YES! (pardon me)
She got the bedsheets and started a business without having a dime.
She only had the ‘honesty and trustworthiness’ capital. Sometimes, what you need is not that money you are actively seeking but just the H & T (Honesty and Trustworthiness) capital. I read long ago about someone who became a cement distributor simply because one distributor could vouch for his honesty. So just have the H & T capital and you never know, maybe the business you have been planning for years is about to launch.


If you want to ask questions, here is the number -08021483388


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