My Definition of a Success Freak... Are you one?

Howdy guys, February has been terrific so far. Today I am going to be discussing Success Freak. 😉😉. You might be wondering, Why Freak??? cos freak actually means something unusual but I chose this topic because I have actually gone through a long list of success stories (not all, but I really tried) and found out that they became success stories not by being normal and doing the usual but by doing the unusual... So there.. Lets look at somethings that shows you are on your way to success freakikism (lol).

  • A Self Improver: Yes!! A Success freak is a person that strives to improve himself/ herself everyday. They believe that no matter how good they are, there are still ways that they can improve themselves.
  • SUCCESS not everything: Believing that success is everything actually makes you a slave to success (i.e you work hard all your life to be successful). Being successful is good but not at the expense of other important things like Family, God etc.
  • Being the Difference: A Success freak is actually a innovator because they believe there is always another way of doing things (P.S  That is why I like the Flash, lol).
I don't like typing much so if you have any of the above and/ or more, TADA- you are on your way to being a success story (if you are not already) because you are a success freak.... CHEERS. #JUSTLEARNEDSOMETHING


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