Nigeria Ranked 8th World Sexiest Nationality
According to the research made by a research made by the US 'travel
dating' site, Nigerian's men are ranked the 8th sexiest nationality in
the world. claims that the research was based on the dating
preferences of 66,309 American women interviewed and the list is as
1. Irish - 7,862
2. Australian - 6,486
3. Pakistanian - 4,761
4. American - 2,909
5. English - 2,133
6. Scottish - 1,554
7. Italian - 905
8. Nigerian - 721
9. Danish - 670
10. Spanish - 598
dating' site, Nigerian's men are ranked the 8th sexiest nationality in
the world. claims that the research was based on the dating
preferences of 66,309 American women interviewed and the list is as
1. Irish - 7,862
2. Australian - 6,486
3. Pakistanian - 4,761
4. American - 2,909
5. English - 2,133
6. Scottish - 1,554
7. Italian - 905
8. Nigerian - 721
9. Danish - 670
10. Spanish - 598