Floyd Mayweather recieves $100 million for Manny Pacquiao fight
Floyd Mayweather has recieved a sum of $100 million from Neveda State
Atletic Commission for beating Manny Pacquiao.
The Sports center twitter feed posted a picture of Mayweather
recieving his money, it has been reported that Mayweather can earn a
wooping sum of $180 million if pay - per view shares are calculated.
According to forbes, the boxer earned a wooping $105 million in 2014.
Atletic Commission for beating Manny Pacquiao.
The Sports center twitter feed posted a picture of Mayweather
recieving his money, it has been reported that Mayweather can earn a
wooping sum of $180 million if pay - per view shares are calculated.
According to forbes, the boxer earned a wooping $105 million in 2014.