CHAPTER FIVE (ABRUPT NEWS) "But I just resumed school, how can I take a vacation?" Dashay asked unable to understand this new drama. "I came to your school earlier today and asked for permission from the principal, so you are free to go, no need to worry." Frida replied faking a smile. "Why would you do that?" Dashay yelled so much that Autry quickly covered his ears. "Oh gosh, this wasn't my idea. Your dad said he wants to speak to you all about something important, he insisted I invited everyone, his step kids and even our exes." Frida said quickly. "What? Why would he do that when I am just starting to enjoy school." Dashay said and started sobbing quietly. "Mom, I can't find the jar of cookies you said you kept in the fridge." Said another young man, this one looked more matured and sensible, maybe not too sensible. "Dashay, he is Tyrus Xenon, my second son and your older brother." Frida introduced th...