
Showing posts from March, 2018

How to stop making excuses

“I don’t know how.” “It probably wouldn’t have worked anyways.” “I’m too busy.” How often do you catch yourself making excuses. Instead of doing something, you come up with ways to explain your inaction. Excuse-makers are usually seen as weak, lazy or cowardly.

Getting rid of the fear of failure

Fear of failure does not just start, it is gradually instilled when people tell us that don't do this or else. After awhile you become cautious. Instead of taking action, you seek permission and confirmation.

Don't Live Life to Impress

Hello Guys, it's another working day and as usual, I have come with a word of encouragement that will trigger the inner strength you need to function properly throughout the week. Today, am going to be talking on Living life

Finding Purpose and Fufiling it

The worst thing that can happen to you is living a life that is devoid of purpose because until you know what you want to achieve in life (purpose), you will just be living life as a

3 Things you do that makes your mind your worst enemy

The mind is designed to be an object or entity that we control. In order to control your mind, you need to know that you are not your mind. For example, people say I am so angry today. This is wrong, you are supposed to say that I have anger in my mind. This is because you are not your mind, you are the boss over your mind. The mind is like a horse that likes to run wild but you have to tame it with caution and show it that you are the boss otherwise, the mind can become your greatest enemy if you do any of the following: a.    You are Your Own Worst Critic